Knocking it Around

Underdog soccer podcast draft 2021



Underdog Soccer Podcast had a Draft between Matty Knips (@UnderdogSP), Marcus O’Malley (@chasingacup), Justin Moran (@kickswish), Vince Maduri (@usmnt_thoughts) and Chris Kerr (@kerrc17) selecting USMNT players.

We did a snake draft 1-2-3, 3-2-1. The person who picked last in the former round is first in the following round. The assumption is all players are healthy at the time of the draft.

Justin won first pick overall, followed by Matty, Vince, Chris & Marcus on the turn. The full draft is at the bottom of the page by round.

Below are our final XI:

Justin Moran:

Matt Knips:

Vince Maduri:

Chris Kerr:

Marcus O’Malley:

The Complete Draft:


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